Mud Puddles

Mud Puddles

I haven’t felt like myself in a few months now. I feel like I got distracted and found myself on a path that wasn’t actually my destiny to walk on. It wasn’t a conscious choice, it was more of a slight step off the path until I looked back and realized how far I had …

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My Rainbow Baby – A story of loss and love

To tell the story of my rainbow baby, I first must tell of my storm.
We weren’t trying, but it was a wonderful surprise. Being 4 days late was unusual for me, so I purchased a test.
I told my husband and we decided to unveil the results at our favourite spot — a moss covered bluff overlooking the pristine Thetis Lake. Together, while chatting about the dreams and possibilities, we hiked to the perfect spot and climbed up the hillside until we had a gorgeous view, and then opened the box I had slipped it into. Suddenly a flood of emotions came over each of us as we saw the little plus sign.

To the Mom’s of Tantruming Toddlers… I Salute You

I see you there in the check out line, saying no for the hundredth time.

I see you struggling to keep your kids busy so they won’t pull all the candy off the shelf that is strategically placed in the absolute worst spot for mom’s.

I see you picking up your toddler who is kicking and screaming, leaving all your groceries in aisle 9.

The most beautiful gift a mother could leave

My mother was a writer. I don’t think she ever had anything published, but it was an interest that she dreamed of “getting to, one day…” After her passing last year, I was fortunate enough to find a few of these precious writings. Loose papers torn from notebooks found in her bedside table… Folders of documents on her laptop of writing ideas…

The Self-Care Escape

If you’re a mom, you know… You know the exhaustion of littles… the middle of the night feedings, the tantrums of the terrible twos, the nap times that go by way too fast…